Project 2: Deploying a node application Using Docker

Project 2: Deploying a node application Using Docker


2 min read

Step 1: Launch an EC2 Instance

With the help of this:

Step 2: Install docker

With the help of this:

Step 3: Create directory and move into it

mkdir projects
cd projects/

Step 4: Create project name directory and move into it

mkdir node-app
cd node-app/

Step 5: Clone repository url

git clone

Step 6: Move into project folder

cd node-todo-cicd/

Delete Dockerfile if have.

Step 7: Create dockerfile

#Get a base image with nodejs
FROM node:14

#Create a working directory to run a node app

#Copy code from local machine to docker container
COPY . .

#Install npm
RUN npm install

#All my test cxases are passing
RUN npm run test

#Expose port

#Run the node app
CMD ["node", "app.js"]

Step 8: Build image

docker build -t node-app:latest .

Step 9: Check image created or not

docker images

Step 10: Create and run docker container

docker run -d node-app:latest

Step 11: Check container created or not

docker ps

Step 12: Map container port to system port

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 node-app:latest

Step 13: Give permission to port "8000" in instance

  • Go to security group in instance

  • Click SG link

  • Click on "edit inbound rules"

  • Click on "Add rules"

  • Give "8000" in port range and select "Anywhere" in source and click Save

  • Copy public dns from instance in networking

  • Now go to browser and paste public ip of instance

    We hope this guide has provided you with a solid foundation to start deploying Node applications with Docker. Happy coding!

    Thank you ๐Ÿ™

    Keep Learning..
