Installation of kubeadm

Installation of kubeadm

Step 1: Create 2 EC2 instances

  • Give name&tag > Select "Ubuntu" AMI

  • Select instance type "t2.medium" > Create new key-pair

  • Select "2" number of instance > Click on "Launch instance"

Step 2: Check 2 instances created on EC2 dashboard

Step 3: Change name as "k8s-master & k8s-worker" and save

Step 4: Give permission to instance for port "6443"

  • Go to security group in instance & click SG link

  • Click on "edit inbound rules"

  • Click on "Add rules"

  • Give "6443" in port range and select "Anywhere" in source and click Save

  • Copy public dns from instance in networking

  • Now go to browser and paste public ip of instance(for now it shows "This page not found or any error")

Step 5: Connect both of instance through "SSH" or "EC2 instance connect"

Follow this repository for installation:

Step 6: Run on master

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx:latest

Step 7: Check pod created or not

kubectl get pods

By following these steps, you can create and manage multiple pods in a Kubernetes cluster initialized using kubeadm.

Thank you🙏

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